Do You Know If Your Practice Is Capable of Massive, Sustainable Growth


Amplify360 helps practices just like yours achieve life-changing results for doctors, staff and families. 

Book A FREE 15-Minute Practice Discovery Call and Let's Find Out If We're A Fit To Build The Thriving, Dynamic and Profitable Practice You've Always Wanted

Plenty of money and the time to enjoy it. That’s our goal for each doctor we work with. 

On your Practice Discovery Call, we will take a look at where you are now, and what it will take to boost your practice and lifestyle to new heights.

  • For one doctor, that meant taking his monthly production from $235K up to $609K, cutting his schedule down to 3 days per week, and doing all of that without adding more chairs or locations.
  • For another doctor that meant recouping $21K in revenue he was losing EVERY WEEK because his phones were going unanswered for multiple hours on a certain day.
  • For still another doctor that meant hitting over $4 million a year working just two days a week with about $2 million in profit. 

$6.5 Billion in New Patient Opportunities Generated

44% Of Our Doctors Achieve 200%+ Of Their New Patient Opportunities

52% Increase In Average Patient Value Over 2 Years

"237% Jump In (NPOs) New Patient Opportunities… and at this point, our main issue is having enough space to put folks."
– Dr. Michael Kirchner
Jeffersonville, Indiana
Dr Taylor - Crop 
"Went From 82% PPOs to PPO free in less than 4 years… nearly doubling collections! Invest in yourself and the results will follow.”
– Dr. Cathy Taylor
Gainesville, Florida
"In the first full month we received 67 new patient calls – patients that are scheduled. So, they’re on our books."
– Dr. Todd Resek
Oakmont, Pennsylvania